
Home > Lectures(日本語)

Classes for freshmans/sophomores

Mechanics A (in Japanese) (2008S, 2009S, 2010S, 2011S)
Electromagnetism A (in Japanese) (2008A, 2009A)
Omnibus lectures on Science of particles and laser (in Japanese) (2008S, 2009S, 2010S)
Introductory Physics for Social Science Students (in Japanese) (2011W)
Introductory Physics for PEAK students (in English) (2013S, 2014S, 2015S, 2016S)
Omnibus lectures on Modern Basic Science (in Japanese) (2009A, 2011A)
Omnibus lectures on Modern Material Physics (in Japanese) (2012A, 2013A, 2014A)
Physics Experiment for freshman (2008S, 2008A, 2009S, 2009A, 2010S, 2010A, 2011S, 2011A, 2012S)

Classes for juniors/seniors

Basic Science Seminar II (in Japanese) (2008S, 2009S, 2010S, 2011S, 2012S, 2013S, 2014S)

Classes for graduate students

Application of Measurement Techniques I (particle physics) (in English)(2010A, 2012A, 2014A)
Introduction to Contemporary Science and Technology I (in Japanese)(2013S, 2014S, 2015S)

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