* ASACUSA trap group (MUSASHI) [#u0bafe71]
*[[ASACUSA trap group (MUSASHI):http://radphys4.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/asacusa/ja/news.html]] [#xb9c6afd]

*** [[Making Ultra-Slow Antiproton beams>MUSASHI]] [#ndfeb9d3]
[[ASACUSA:http://asacusa.web.cern.ch/]]-MUSASHI group focuses on spectroscopy of cold antihydrogen atoms and atomic collision process in low energy region.
These researches are going on at [[CERN:http://www.cern.ch/]] [[AD:http://ab-dep-op-ad.web.cern.ch/ab-dep-op-ad/]].

*** [[Atomic collisions]] ---  Antiprotonic atom formation [#ta267d32]
Visit also [[our web for the antihydrogen experiments (CUSP trap experiments):http://radphys4.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/wp/asacusa-cusp]].

*** [[Antihydrogen atom fromation and spectroscopy]] --- [[Cusp trap]] [#i88e0f6d]
** [[News]] [#ya468b66]
:Jan. 2014 | ASACUSA-MUSASHI makes the antimatter flow by the CUSP trap. &br;
[["Going with the antimatter flow":http://www.nature.com/ncomms/press_releases/ncomms0114.html]], press release from Nature Communications &br;
[["CERN experiment produces first beam of antihydrogen atoms for hyperfine study":http://home.web.cern.ch/about/updates/2014/01/antimatter-experiment-produces-first-beam-antihydrogen]], press release from CERN
[["反水素原子ビーム生成に成功":http://www.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/info/news/topics/20140123104504.html]], press release from the University of Tokyo
link to the published article [["A source of antihydrogen for in-flight hyperfine spectroscopy":http://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms4089]]

** [[News]] [#p4572180]

** [[group members>MUSASHI group members]] [#s95bf622]
CENTER:Setup of antihydrogen beam production experiment with the CUSP trap system.

** [[Publications]] [#yd233a11]

** Links [#g9d0af58]

- [[ASACUSA Collaboration >http://asacusa.web.cern.ch/]]
:Dec. 2013 | Our article about the MUSASHI trap was selected as one of outstanding PRST-AB articles.
PRST-AB editorial [["link":http://journals.aps.org/prstab/edannounce/PhysRevSTAB.16.120001]]
[["Link":http://journals.aps.org/prstab/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.15.024702]] to the paper

- [[MUSASHI group member page >http://radphys4.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/asacusa/schedule]] [#r2953c6a]
:[[Workshop on Cold Antimatter and High Precision Physics (Pbar11):http://radphys4.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pbar11/]] | November 28--30, 2011,  Matsue, Japan

//:Nov., 2010 | ASACUSA-MUSASHI makes progress towards antihydrogen beams ([[Press release from CERN):http://press.web.cern.ch/press/PressReleases/Releases2010/PR24.10E.html]],&br; Progress toward an Antihydrogen beam ([[Physics synopses:http://physics.aps.org/synopsis-for/10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.243401]])&br;
//Also see [[Our Antihydrogen programme>Antihydrogen atom formation and spectroscopy]] and a novel trap system:[[Cusp trap]]

** 練習ページ [#if72ced0]
- [[SandBox]] -- 編集をお試しください
- [[InterWikiSandBox]] -- [[InterWiki]]を試してみてください

//CENTER:Left : Counts from antihydrogen atoms at around t = 0 when we mixed antiprotons with positrons,
//CENTER:Right : a case of without positrons



//CENTER:Setup of CUSP trap experiment with MUSASHI and Compact positron trap.

//:May, 2008 | [[Press release (in Japanese):http://www.riken.go.jp/r-world/info/release/press/2008/080502_2/detail.html]] "Control of antiproton cloud"

//:Jan, 2008 | [[ ASACUSA moves towards new antihydrogen experiments(CERN courier):http://cerncourier.com/cws/article/cern/32504]]

//:[[Workshop on Cold Antimatter Plasmas and Application to Fundamental Physics //(Pbar08):http://www.riken.jp/ap/conf/pbar08/]] | February 20-22,2008, Naha, Okinawa, Japan
//:Nov, 2007 | First antiproton c.a. 3 millions trapped in the Cusp trap!
//Also read [["Even Better Mousetraps" in CERN Bulletin Issue 50, 2007:http://bulletin.cern.ch/eng/articles.php?bullno=50/2007&base=art#Article5]].
//:Oct, 2007 |  New record!  ASACUSA MUSASHI trap  confined and cooled ca. 10,800,000 (10E7) antiprotons.


** Research Topics of ASACUSA-MUSASHI group [#c06ef3d9]

*** [[Making Ultra-Slow Antiproton beams>MUSASHI trap]] [#c3efa452]

Our developing antiproton beam source, MUSASHI, can provide ultra-slow antiproton beams.
The beams decelerated by the RFQD are trapped and cooled in an antiproton trap of MUSASHI, and extracted at energies of 10-1000 eV.


*** [[Atomic collisions]] ---  Antiprotonic atom formation [#nb6e007e]

The ultra-slow antiproton beam which is extracted stably from the MUSASHI apparatus at energies of the region of atomic physics, has opened up the possibility to study ionization and atomic capture processes between a very slow 
monoenergetic antiproton and an atom under the single-collision condition
for the first time. 

CENTER:Supersonic gas jet chamber

*** [[Antihydrogen atom formation and spectroscopy]] --- [[Cusp trap]] [#md82dc75]

We proposed a cusp trap in which antihydrogen Rydberg states may not
only be synthesized at low temperatures but also extract them as a beam for ground state hyperfine splitting measurement.
A theoretical calculation also shows most of antihydrogen atoms to cascade down to the ground state in CUSP trap for subsequent use in a variety of experiments.
The cusp trap consists of a magnetic quadrupole (cusp) field formed by a pair of superconducting solenoids (antihelmholtz coil) together with an electrostatic field.

CENTER:CUSP trap electrodes for antihydrogen atoms

*** [[Compact positron trap]] [#f01a4ee1]

We have developed a compact positron accumulator based on Nitrogen gas-buffer cooling scheme with a specially designed multiple ring electrode trap and yet another superconducting solenoid.


** [[group members>MUSASHI group members]] [#i3f87319]

** [[Publications>Publication list]] [#x455f765]

** Links [#w0654fd6]
Brief description about antimatter for general public by CERN  : http://livefromcern.web.cern.ch/livefromcern/antimatter/index.html

[[ASACUSA Collaboration >http://asacusa.web.cern.ch/]] : International collaboration for physics with slow antiprotons

- [[MUSASHI group in Japanese(日本語のページ):http://radphys4.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/asacusa/ja]] : sub-group in ASACUSA ([[member page>https://radphys4.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/asacusa/schedule]])
--[[Yamazaki-Matsuda group, University of Tokyo, Komaba >http://radphys4.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/]]
--[[Atomic Physics Laboratory, RIKEN >http://www.riken.jp/ap/]]
--[[Ulmer Initiative Research Unit, RIKEN>http://www.riken.jp/lab/ulmeriru/index.html]]

- other institutes in ASACUSA
--[[Another atomic collision experiment group with AIA >http://phys.au.dk/en/research-activities/amo/collisions-with-antiparticles/]]
---[[Institute of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Denmark >http://www.phys.au.dk/]]
---The Queen's University of Belfast, UK
--[[Gruppo Collegato di Brescia, INFN, Italy >http://bsinfn.ing.unibs.it/bsinfn/en/]]
--[[Stefan Meyer Insitute fuer subatomare physik, Austrian academy of science, Wien, Austria >http://www.oeaw.at/smi]]
--[[Hayano group, University of Tokyo, Hongo >http://nucl.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/hayano/]]
--[[Antimatter spectroscopy group, MPQ, Garching, Germany >http://www.mpq.mpg.de/cms/mpq/en/groups/hori/homepage_cms/index.html]]
--[[KFKI-RMKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest, Hungary >http://www.rmki.kfki.hu/]]

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